Monday, November 24, 2014

Baby, it's cold outside... Maybe too cold for your baby.

I love going for walks. During the summer months I can be found trying to get my "fit" on at the local track or park. On sunny days it can feel like pure bliss. Long walks, picnics, a gentle breeze and the sound of birds chirping.  Right now it's November and a daily walk/run can become a challenge when the weather is less than perfect.  The morning walk to the bus stop has already caused us all to have anxiety. Especially with temperatures already in their low 30's. Except for today of course, the weather is 61° and raining. Welcome to New York, where you can experience all four seasons in the same week. I feel terrible taking my little ones out just so I can keep a firmer figure. Besides cardio is cardio, right? They say that squats are great for getting your heart rate up and I think pacing around for an hour around your house on the telephone can be counted as a sufficient workout. I will just have to keep trying to believe that for the next four to six months.

 A few months ago I completed a 30 day squat challenge. I paired it with a 30 day Ab/Core challenge and had amazing results. At the time I also incorporated a daily walk/run of at least 1.5 miles, while pushing a single stroller and yelling at my 8 year old to stop walking in front of it. I have posted them below just incase you might be interested. I highly recommend recruiting a friend for the squat challenge. You don't have to be in the same place or do them at the same time. I guess it's that whole "misery loves company" thing. I can guarantee that if you stick with these routines you will definitely see results. And they take no time at all, as long as you have approximately 30 minutes to spare. I like to get them done in the morning after we get back from the bus stop. Walking up and down the stairs can be a little tricky afterwards. I normally do squats while I am making breakfast for my little one so that she is confined to her high chair and not trying to climb up my legs. She thinks it's the funniest thing. Knowing that it makes her laugh does makes it a little easier. But I'm not going to lie to you, it's still hard.

One last thing. If you find yourself at the end of these challenges and unsure of what to do next, you can continue increasing the amount of exercise daily or just stay at a number you are comfortable with for a while. I continued doing 100 a day on average. On days that I felt like doing more, I did. I hope this can be helpful to others like myself who can't get out during the cold season or just to anyone who wants to change up their workout. Good luck guys!

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