Friday, November 21, 2014

'Tis The Season

    As it is the holiday season and all, this blog might be seen as both appropriate or not so much. I'd like to talk about good will and giving back, paying it forward, whatever you want to call it. Those of us with children know it very well. This is the time of year they send out those flyers asking for non-perishable food donations, gently used clothes and toys. I'd just like to put this out there. The next time you are at the dollar store, maybe you can purchase some extra tooth brushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, Tupperware, or maybe even a small pack of baby wipes and drop it off at your local church or donation site. You may not know this, but government assistance does not cover these items. They do not cover diapers, feminine products or toiletry items. They do not cover blankets or socks. The dollar store sells thermal socks :)
    And okay, so maybe you don't feel like giving to a complete stranger. What about giving to someone you know? I once watched a movie where instead of presents, the family bought supplies to fix up their home. The movie was called A Home of Our Own starring Kathy Bates. When I was child, I thought it was a horror film about Christmas. Now that I am older and have had home improvement issues of my own, I think it's brilliant. I know I get super excited when something broken gets fixed in my house. I live on long island, and know several people who have been affected by natural disasters in the recent years. Maybe you would be inclined to offer your time to habitat humanity or a similar organization. There are so many little ways to give that would make such a big difference. Feel free to post any additional ideas in the comments below. And to all of you, have a very blessed holiday.

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